Events Calendar

Great Global Greyhound Walk
Sunday, June 09, 2019, 04:30pm - 08:00pm
Hits : 1058
Two walks and photo opportunities. Choose one or both. 1st pictures/walk at 5:30 pm and 2nd picture/walk 7:00 pm, Kentucky Greyhound Placement and Greyhound Pets of America - Louisville Chapter are partnering to host this global event in Louisville. Let's get as many greyhounds in the public eye as possible while having a greyt time. Be part of this 10th anniversary worldwide event to increase knowledge, foster families and adoptions... while (if you choose to order) enjoying some food, soda and beer, at Mike Linning's, in their River Gazebo.
Greyhounds, sighthounds and other canine FAMILY members are also welcome to attend. Whether you have a sighthound or not please come out and meet some greyt people while spreading the word about these wonderful canines.
It's for the hounds!
Location Mike Linning's, 9308 Cane Run Rd, Louisville, KY 40258